HERE ARE MY ARTSY, BLURRY available-light pics from Christmas day. Blurry not for the sake of artsy, but only because I destroyed two of my cameras in Alaska this summer and this one belongs to Pam and I hardly know how to use it. Couldn’t figure out which settings do what so I faked it.
All three gals were home for Christmas, two with significant others in tow. Emily and Ryan from Brooklyn, NY; Jenna and Jonny, from Providence and Lincoln, respectively; and Laura from East Providence.
Jenna got a new coat. Which I imagine she’ll wear to her new job. She starts work next month on a TV pilot.
Jen’s never needed an excuse to strike a pose.
We don’t see enough of Miss Em. Wish she got up here from NY more often. She’s in marketing at Chanel, has a 44th-floor view of Central Park from West 57th in Manhattan.
Laura, the graphic artist and PhotoShop wiz, made these prints for Jenna, of a rose, a marigold and a snowdrop. Those are the girls’ birth flowers, for the months of June, October and January.
Jenna has the same flowers inked on her left hip. Above that, apple blossoms, in memory of my mother, Sophie Valerio DePaul, 1919-1987.
That’s Em’s Ryan. He edits medical journals for John Wiley & Sons, across the Hudson River, in Hoboken, NJ.
Jenna got a FaceTime video thing going with her Aunt Janet from California, who was spending Christmas with family in Maine.
Jonny owns and operates a construction company. He does major renovations in Providence, gutting multi-family houses and rebuilding them from the foundation up. Business is good! He’s got plenty of work to keep his crew busy through the winter.
Jenna appears to be speaking Italian at me.
Here they were all zipping around too fast for me to catch much of anything.
The bride’s looking slightly beat. She’d been cooking for two days at this point. The physical therapist allowed her to start driving last week, on short trips. She’s getting the broken shoulder back in shape. Slow but sure (mostly slow).
Later on, hanging in the kitchen.
Eat, drink and be merry! The light had been coming back for four days at this point. The solstice was on the 21st.
Daughter #3, funny Miss Laura.
The bride thought a fur-lined bomber hat would fit my style. How right she was. I look like Underdog!
Daughter #1, Miss Em.
This may be the only in-focus photo I got all day. Entirely by accident.
That was Christmas 2013! Soon, the sun went back into hiding and the mighty ’49 truck stood the night watch.
Tony DePaul, December 26, 2013, Cranston, Rhode Island, USA
Once again, you have made me feel as though I were there with you! I love you all and so enjoy sharing your fun.
Thanks so much for the kind words, all! It’s fun to have faithful readers out there.
The REAL man’s hero……..Underdog.
Good lookin’ family and great to have ’em all in one place for a bit.
You’re a lucky man.
Safe times.
Beautiful…you are so blessed. Hope to hell we see you this year. Brynn is off to Cornell in the fall so the east coast is definitely in our sights for 2014 with both kids out there! Hugs to all of you…
The Mundays
Looking good there DePaul family!
I could use that fur-lined bomber hat about now.
Nice, just really, really nice.
Chris Whitney
Nice gathering for a beautiful family. Merry Christmas, may the great gathering increase in numbers and joy never leave the family. God Bless.
Great family time! Pam, try to not break any body parts this year. Also please note change in email address – RIDE is going to buy the farm on Jan. 1.
Merry Christmas DePauls, all the best for 2014.
From Perth, Western Australia via Kemi, Finland where the family is having its first white Christmas. Very Cool! (Literally).
Thanks for sharing your blurry, beautiful family having a wonderful Christmas together. It really doesn’t get much better than that, does it? Love, peace and prosperity to you all in the coming year, brad.