Lighter days ahead!

IN THE 4TH CENTURY I’m sure my Roman ancestors thought the ancient winter solstice festival just hadn’t been the same ever since the Christians won the war on Saturnalia. It was quite the hoo-hah, no doubt, covered closely in all the daily scrolls. What do you want me to tell you, Brutus? Nobody gets a pass from the march of time, not even those of us who look smashing in an iron skirt.

The old truck is in the holiday spirit, makes for a colorful lawn ornament here at the humble manse. I could drive it if I wanted to drive around with low oil pressure. On the next sunny day I need to somehow plug an empty hole in the aft cam journal. I’m using an electric fuel pump now, just retired the 1949-style mechanical pump and its push rod. With no rod running off the cam anymore, the empty port is gushing oil in the top of the motor, even at idle. Not good.


When I realized the truck wouldn’t be roadworthy in time to haul our Christmas tree home (family tradition), the bride and I took her car instead. This was last weekend. BTW, that flatbed is fully planked now, complete with DIY mud flaps that’ll hopefully delude Johnny Law into thinking my truck is legal without fenders. Made the flaps out of a black rubber doormat. Welded up the metal parts from scraps I had lying around.

So, here we are again! The shortest day of the year just came and went and now the sun’s on its way back. Six months from now, with any luck, the iron piggy and I will greet the summer solstice on the Arctic Circle. This is assuming I have enough work to bring with me so I’m not entirely goofing off, just mostly goofing off. Look for the road report here. And with video this time. Assuming I learn how to use the on-board GoPro camera the girls bought for my birthday last month.

Until then, be happy and safe out there in the dark. Broadcast the love, the humanity we have in common, whether the season finds you keeping Christ in Christmas or the Ha Ha Ha in Hanukkah. You may be hoisting a tankard in the mead halls of old Yule. Maybe you’re stoned at Stonehenge. Or you’re single-handedly boosting consumer demand. Or, as Michael Herr once said, in another context, you’re just trying to maintain the equilibrium of the dingdong against the aggression of the ever-encroaching doodah.

Whatever it is, make the most of it! May we meet again in 2013.

Tony DePaul, Cranston, Rhode Island, December 23, 2012




About Tony

The occasional scribblings of Tony DePaul, father, grandfather, husband, freelance writer in many forms, recovering journalist, long-distance motorcycle rider, blue routes wanderer, topo map bushwhacker, blah blah...
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16 Responses to Lighter days ahead!

  1. John Kendrick says:

    Forgot to mention that we enjoyed the Christmas lighted truck!!

  2. Tony says:

    Many thanks for the kind comments, all. Enjoy this Christmas Day and have your Best Year Ever in ’13!


  3. Matthew Reed says:

    Thanks for sharing, Tony. Refreshing viewpoint after watching our Nation’s news as it comes across the televisions.

    Hoping for a better year in 2013, with more miles on two wheels.

    All the best wishes to you and your family.

    Bettendorf, Iowa

  4. Vincent Ogutu says:

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, Pam and the gals. Excellent idea decorating the truck with lights! And now that Pam has announced that she can dance again, have a very merry Christmas.

  5. Cathy Craddock says:

    Holiday Greetings from Philadelphia for you Little Brother and your lovely family!
    The enduring spirit of Christmas has been captured by your festive lawn ornament.

    Best Wishes to you and yours for a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.

  6. Kim Tremblay says:

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, Pam, and Emily, Jenna, & Laura. Really enjoyed your recent post. Was quite humorous. What was more humorous however was when I looked out the window last night and noticed your Christmas lights on the truck. I said to myself, “Well will you look at that, he’s decorated that beautiful painted and restored red truck with lights. Wow, that’s pretty wild!! But you know what, I love it. You go for the stars, man. That was real!

    Kim Tremblay

  7. John Stoj says:

    Merry Christmas to you and yours, Tony.

  8. Bob Polmatier says:

    Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and yes, we do keep Christ in Christmas.
    May you be blessed in 2013 with good health, substantial work and happiness in all you do.
    Bob Polmatier

  9. Mari Nelson says:

    You have just been nominated for most inspired seasonal lighting award, 2012.
    Happy Hols Tone,
    with extra hugs for Pam.

  10. steve lyon says:

    Happy Holidays to you and the crew! When you get to gettin’ to that ride, hit me up if you need any advice – I’ve driven the AlCan twice and have lots of experience with the GoPro cams.


  11. Jan Nelson says:

    Hugs to all in your cave. Keep the fires alive, a few nuts in the saddlebags and one in the seat… will do the same at this end. Peace. Love. Ride.

  12. Randy Pedersen says:

    Merry Christmas to you and your family and we hope you have a happy new year as well.

    We all most have the trike ready, got it put up for the winter but first thing next spring it goes in for its tune up and check over then we hit the highways again.


  13. Paul Venditto says:

    Hey Tony

    Love reading your blogs. You have a way of keeping us in touch with life’s simple pleasures. Happy Merry to you and yours.


  14. Chris Whitney says:

    Merry Christmas to you and Pam and your girls.

  15. Amy says:

    Seasons Greetings Tony, love the last paragraph!

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