Piggybacking the iron piggy

ON THE ROAD again. Not far this time, just up to Downeast Maine to drop off the ’49 truck. D2’s getting married here a week from tomorrow. The flatbed will serve as the bar at the seaside big-white-tent bash. It’ll happen here, in Sullivan, at D2’s Great-Aunt Roberta’s house.


The old truck looks good here on Flanders Bay.


Back home it had turkeys on it. Up to 16 at a time. But they’re devouring our lawn bugs and crabgrass seeds, so… roost on the truck, see if I care.


This is on the way up yesterday…

A Fig Newton break somewhere in southern Maine. Wells, I think. And I stopped again farther up the road to make coffee. And then again to cook a pot of red beans and pasta.


I ducked off the interstate in Augusta, drove the backroads for the last 100 miles. Got here after midnight, set up my tent under an apple tree, by 1:30 a.m. I was Zzzzz…

Aunt Roberta was up at 6, saw the truck out front and knew I was here.


Oscar the dog barked at me… Good job, Oscar.


The house is huge, only sleeps about 22..

The oldest part was built in 1814.

The original house had no windows facing the ocean. Not a one.


This is the new end of the house, Roberta had it built.


Plenty of empty beds but I like sleeping outdoors. There’s a frost coming tonight, this is where I’ll be.


Tomorrow I’ll ride the iron piggy south to Oxford, Maine, meet the bride there, we’ll attend our niece’s wedding at 4. On Sunday I’ll ride home to Little Rhody, the bride will drive north to where I am now, and I’ll ride back up in a week for D2’s wedding.


Refrigerator pics… That’s Roberta with her brother, Richard, the bride’s dad. He departed the world in 2006.

Roberta in her first year of nursing school, 1950.


Closing with a couple of shore shots I snapped today…

Tony DePaul, October 5, 2018, Sullivan, Maine, USA



About Tony

The occasional scribblings of Tony DePaul, father, grandfather, husband, freelance writer in many forms, recovering journalist, long-distance motorcycle rider, blue routes wanderer, topo map bushwhacker, blah blah...
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10 Responses to Piggybacking the iron piggy

  1. Duane C says:

    I swear Tony, if you lived 100 years ago you’d be King of the Gypsy’s….

  2. Craig Bernadet says:

    What a house and view,hard to believe no windows on the original shack, who figures.
    My ride put away for the winter ,32F and snow so last ride for me till spring. Keep the lines coming.


  3. Brian Jones says:

    What a happy event, and a spectacular venue for a wedding.
    Meanwhile, back in Cranston, who knew:
    That there are 16 turkeys in all of Rhode Island
    And they are crazy about Ford trucks

    • Tony says:

      Three deer browsing on the front lawn the other day, too. You’d never think we’re 9 minutes from downtown Providence.

      One of the turkey hens is white. I’ve never seen that before. Will snap a pic the next time I see her.

  4. CCjon says:

    Would say the chickens have come home to Roost, but what do turkeys say….do… ?
    Love that shot.

  5. David Platt says:

    Tony – you get better and better! Keep ‘em coming, and if you find yourself in Scarborough, by all means check in.

    • Tony says:

      Bueno! Many thanks for the kind invitation, David. I keep threatening to visit our friend David Bright, too. Dave’s in… he’s in…

      I forget where Dave is. Dixmont?

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