… WITH A NEW gizmoed-to-the-nines camera I don’t know how to use yet, and will probably destroy before I do know, like so many others. The road is rough on gear.
The camp kitchen in the lower camp… not used much anymore. Not used as all since I’ve been here.
From the path to upper camp…
Which is up here…
The new building going up… It’s getting a metal roof as we speak.
Jimi the dog, master of all he surveys…
Upper camp last evening. That’s a propane fire. Wood fires are banned, given that the entire American and Canadian west is burning. Fake news to the pols on the fossil fuels payroll. Not many mosquitoes on account of the tinder-like dryness but I did catch Ben swatting one on his shoulder.
Breakfast goings-on this morning… cooking indoors and out, it was quite a feed. Fourteen in camp this weekend, including the pro roofers and we pro goofer-offers.
Just got here but… in the morning it’s time to getchy moda runnin, head out on the highway…
Tony DePaul, August 19, 2018, Lake Cushman, Washington, USA
Glad you’re having fun out there, Dad! Looks like you can use that camera just fine. Great pics! Love you!
Thanks, my Lauradorable.